Scream of Consciousness



As a stand-up comic, you must know your audience.  In certain Derry pubs, this joke goes over quite well–especially when the comic is full of hot Eire.

“This is not a rebel joke.”  –Bono

“You rebel scum.” –George Lucas

“A scream of self-consciousness comes across the sky…”–Sally Forth

“Somewhere over Gravity’s Rainbow.”  –Judy 19


Meta is Murder



Concision, by Dude and Cone, has periods where the author and artist switch places.  Then they imitate other strips, such as here, where they mock the beloved Family Circle.  They’re actually imitating a Family Circle where that comic allows a child to draw, so the meta-levels blow your mind.  Or it blows something.  And why can’t any child that’s old enough to draw this strip know how to spell the F word correctly?  I guess this shows how greatly our shools are failing today’s youth.

Breakaway Speed

Dinosaur Doctor


This was the first Dinosaur Doctor I ever remember reading.  What struck me was the odd zip-toning and the fact that the Dinosaur completely changed size and level of zip-toning between panels one and three.   However, for the first hit it’s a fairly satisfying strip.  This got me to thinking about other artists whose first hit made them seem to be a one hit novelty act, but actually turned into artists with real careers.

Artist First Hit
 Beck Loser
Radiohead Creep
Green Day Longview
O.J. Ron Goldman

Common Sense Baby Care



Whizzit clearly takes place in the 50’s so you’d think Fred and Polyethylene here would do what any parents would do in the 50’s.  Give the baby a little whiskey, dress him in a coonskin cap and poodle skirt.  Then they’d probably head over to the car hop and stuff themselves in a phone booth with fifteen greasers and then head home to have deviant sex.  Probably in the newly discovered missionary position.


Dinosaur Doctor


Travis again visits the doctor with hilarious results.  You wouldn’t think a comic strip could find enough gags in simply having a dinosaur visit the doctor, but you’d be wrong.  On this particular visit, I think Jesus is treating Travis for a hangnail or possibly a pain in his side.