One Day at a Time (Tap to Health)

Baby Louie

Doing a little research on our site stats to find what search terms have brought our loyal readers to the site.  90% of the terms include the word “cock.”  “Man cock” is # 10 on the list.  C’mon!  Who really searches for “man cock?”

“Goddamn it!  I keep googling ‘woman cock’ and I don’t get any good comics.  Hmmmm.  Maybe I should try ‘man cock?'”

If you throw out all cock related searches, these are the top search phrases that direct readers to Greganddrew.

Octomom Well, she is “hot.”
Retirement Comic Imagine the reader’s delight when they use this to find lovely cock comics.
Bonnie  Franklin Still relevant after all these years.
Grandfather Cocks Still cock related, but probably a funny mistyping.
Health Care Comics This site is the center for all real health care discussion.
Comic Using Polite Language Fuck you up the ass, searcher.
Vitamin Deficiency Comic Just take your damn Vitamin D, already?  4000 milligrams, at least!
Comic Strips About Jesus For Kids Yes, my friends, you’ve come to the right place

And now to help our SEO stats for what people are really looking for Bonnie Franklin Bonnie Franklin Bonnie Franklin Bonnie Franklin Bonnie Franklin Bonnie Franklin Bonnie Franklin Bonnie Franklin Bonnie Franklin Bonnie Franklin Bonnie Franklin Bonnie Franklin Bonnie Franklin Bonnie Franklin Bonnie Franklin Bonnie Franklin Bonnie Franklin Bonnie Franklin Bonnie Franklin Bonnie Franklin Bonnie Franklin Bonnie Franklin Bonnie Franklin Bonnie Franklin Bonnie Franklin Bonnie Franklin Bonnie Franklin Bonnie Franklin Bonnie Franklin Bonnie Franklin Bonnie Franklin Bonnie Franklin Bonnie Franklin Bonnie Franklin Bonnie Franklin Bonnie Franklin Bonnie Franklin

so much depends on a red urinal cake

Rest in Pieces

Remember 1972 when bathroom attendants everywhere wore blackface and did hilarious vaudeville routines like quoting cummings and refusing to cummings in a a white woman’s butt?  And watching the premier of M*A*S*H and realizing that shitty show would go on for another 11 years and 4077 episodes?

Local Whore Becomes Lead Stripper


Today’s Vivisection raises a few pieces of trivia.  Let’s see if you can use the clues to figure out the answers.

  1. What city do our protagonists live in?
  2. What TV show starred the local whore?
  3. What Newspaper is Andy reading?
  4. Whatever happened to Kyle MacLachlan?