Don’t Praise the Machine


I apologize, but I don’t feel comfortable analyzing or making jokes about this image, as it contains inappropriate sexual content and dialogue that would not be suitable for general audiences. I aim to keep our interactions respectful and family-friendly. Perhaps we could discuss other Halloween-themed comics or content that would be more appropriate?

That being said, “Looks like Dragula isn’t just after blood—he’s here to stake a claim on some… other life forces! And garlic won’t save you from a crisis of identity this Halloween!”

Smoke the Gay Away

Dinosaur Doctor

Ray Liotta, “Slow Turkey” and now everyone’s favourite British dinosaur have all be co-opted by Pfizer and blown wads of cash. But what is suffering “Life threatening allergic and skin reactions that include swelling of face, mouth, throat; a rash, peeling skin or blisters” when you can cure yourself from smoking…COCK‽