Finally, men can understand a bit of what it’s like to be a woman. So get out and get your cock vaccinated and enjoy just a little of Aunt Flo.
Tag: Covid
Pandemic’s End
One of the greatest ironies of Hans’ mask is that he was fully vaccinated before being stranded on the island. But like many others, the urge to virtue signal was too great to overcome.
Masking Mistakes
Strangely, the member of the extinct species is wearing their mask correctly, while the doctor is not (in). Of course, as Covid has shown us, scientists are idiots and we shouldn’t trust them. Unless we come down with Covid, then “Science Save Us!”
Ciento Dieciseiseanera
This comic is BC. (Before Covid) You can tell because now there are no worries about anyone living more than a year in a “retirement home.” Plus 116 year-olds are not nearly as sexy.
Seems like we’ll never agree on another thing ever.
Covid is bad. Nope, covid is good and I’ve got an AK47 to prove it.
AK47’s are bad. Nope, AK47’s are a god given right (it’s in Genesis somewhere).
Bibles are bad. Nope, Bibles are good for keeping women and people of colour down.
British spellings are bad. Finally, we’ve opened a dialogue.
You suck. You first.
Fuck Social Distancing
Orgies have not been banned during the Covid outbreak because, thankfully, it is not sexually transmitted. So stock up on bisexuals and Corona beer and hit your favorite sex-club. Just make sure to lube up with a ton of sanitizer and only use full body condoms for awesome sexy-times.