Smoke the Gay Away

Dinosaur Doctor

Ray Liotta, “Slow Turkey” and now everyone’s favourite British dinosaur have all be co-opted by Pfizer and blown wads of cash. But what is suffering “Life threatening allergic and skin reactions that include swelling of face, mouth, throat; a rash, peeling skin or blisters” when you can cure yourself from smoking…COCK‽

Summer Blockbuster (Get off of my lawn, dinosaur)

Dinosaur Doctor

Once upon a time, there were summer movies that weren’t about super heroes.  Here’s a list the lighthearted movies we enjoyed in our youth before the onslaught of Robert Downey Jr.

  • Movies about sharks
  • Dinosaurs
  • Phone challenged aliens
  • Runs made by cannonballs
  • Girls who drove tanks
  • Returns to Lagoons (that happened to be blue)
  • Pauly Shore
  • Kazaam
  • Dwarf Planet Nash
  • Lolita
  • Tails that Tom Cruise wanted to cock

Oops a SOLID Joke

Dinosaur Doctor

S) This strip only contains one joke. Check.

O) Dinosaur’s ass is open for extension but closed for modification. Check.

L)  If you substitute any Kardashian for the Dinosaur, the joke still works.  Check.

I) There is only one public interface to this strip. Check.

D) Dinosaur must bend over for the joke.  This seems like a somewhat concrete inversion of dependency. Partial Credit.

Hernia Good Jokes Lately?

Dinosaur DoctorDinoSneeze

According to the Mayo Clinic, here are the top causes of hernias:

  1.  Being anally raped by a Triceritops
  2.  Eating a salad
  3.  Carrying around all that shit from childhood
  4.  Rocking out to Spandau Ballet
  5.  Squeezing out one miserable turd nugget a day
  6.  Aggressive Doctor checking for a hernia
  7.  Sneezing
  8.  Shaving with Occam’s Razor

Horseshoes and Meteorites

Dinosaur Doctor


It has been a long time for our friend Dinosaur Doctor.  In fact, I thought he had gone extinct, but today’s installment shows that he’s still going strong.  Wait…this is copyright 2010.  Maybe he was destroyed in the great mythical creature cataclysm of 2012.  Along with those other mythical creatures, Bigfoot, The Loch Ness Monster, Bonnie Franklin and Jesus.