Sure it’s a bit late, but is it ever really too late? Tell someone you love them today. Or at least smother them with a pillow. Let them know you care.
Tag: Happy Day
Happy Turkey Day!
This may be the last year you can enjoy your turducken stuffed with twinkies. No, not because of the Hostess™ bankruptcy, but because the world is ending on December 21, 2012. Some ancient, mystical, savage, unscientific people (republicans?) thought so, so it must be true. Didn’t anyone see that terrible movie about it? I think it was called The Hangover 2 .
Happy Interdependence Day!
Apparently all the kids today are into mashups. So, for all our lil’ readers, here is a wonderful holiday mashup of Vivisection and Cock ‘N’ Balls.
Happy In Depends Day
My country reminds me of The Rolling Stones. They started out very derivative but showing much promise (12X5, Aftermath). After some time and internal strife they came together for a period where they could do no wrong (Beggars Banquet to Exile on Main Street). Then the they got full of themselves and went way overboard and lost their way (Black and Blue or Dirty Work anyone? anyone?). Now they just continue on doing the same old stupid stuff without doing anything that takes real effort or has much worth (touring and multiple “live” albums). Eventually, they’ll just fade away, full of rust. By the way, I’m from Canada.
Happy Flag Day
Happy Veterans Day
To all our fighting men and women, Rest in Pieces would like you to enjoy a lovely comic about an old bitch using the word cunt.
Happy Earth Day!
Apparently Octo-Mom only has eight fingers also. I hope the authors aren’t sued now for infinging on Octomom’s trademark. If Nadya married Chad Johnson, would she be known as Mrs. Cinco Ocho Madre?